Entering the Kingdom of Heaven

Entering the Kingdom of Heaven

Julius Henry Marx was born in a room above a butcher shop on the Upper East Side of Manhattan on October 2, 1890. You may know him as the late Groucho Marx. On stage and screen, Groucho wore a greasepaint mustache and eyebrows, glasses, and a cigar, and adopted an...
Making Sense

Making Sense

Nothing makes sense. That’s how I read the author of Ecclesiastes when he says, “Vanity of vanities. All is vanity.” Repeatedly. Maybe you’re a superstar in your chosen career. You’ve got a house in every state and the size of your stock portfolio makes Bill Gates...
Jesus and Politics

Jesus and Politics

Some Christians are making political commitments that Jesus would hesitate to call, well, Christian. Let me explain by way of a political run-in that Jesus had with a group called the Herodians and some Pharisees. We don’t know much about the Herodians. Their name...
We are the Resistance

We are the Resistance

The story of the burning bush is our call narrative. Yours and mine. It is our call to be part of the resistance. This might take a little explanation. Moses was tending sheep. Not his sheep. His father-in-law’s sheep. Moses was neither rich nor powerful. Adopted as...
Leaving Something Behind

Leaving Something Behind

“I’m trying to leave something behind.” This hook from Sean Rowe’s song “To Leave Something Behind” has lodged itself in my heart and in my theological imagination lately. These words crystallize a yearning that shapes my life, at least on my best days. Wanting...