
How We Shape a Better Future

In his Inaugural Speech President Biden called for unity. To his credit, he did not ask us to sweep our significant social and political differences under the rug. On the contrary, he recognized that disagreement can and should be the engine of democracy. Disagreeing...
Reaching Your Limit

Reaching Your Limit

“I’m so tired.” Tons of people report feeling exhausted by the time they get home from work. More than a few have been dragging themselves through the entire day every day since the pandemic descended upon us. Mental health providers call this Pandemic Fatigue, and...
From Dust to Life

From Dust to Life

[Listen to Audio] C. S. Lewis wrote somewhere that it is best to try to like everybody you meet. After all, it’s easier to love people that you like. And Jesus teaches us to love everyone. Good as his word, Jesus set the example he wants us to follow. For instance, as...
Eating Together

Eating Together

Listen to Audio Eating together can be a holy event. Sharing a meal can nurture body and soul alike. Hearts are healed. Fractured relationships are mended. Bonds of affection are created. The diners come to belong to something greater than themselves: to each other....