Site icon Jake Owensby

A Grateful Start

Dear Readers,

Thank you! Thank you for reading, for sharing your insights, and for widening my perspective. I appreciate every social media like and share. Above all, I’m grateful to be a part of this spiritual community that we’ve formed.

You come from across the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and Australia. Your religious traditions vary. Some are spiritual but not religious. And a few curious, friendly atheists and agnostics drop by from time to time. Many of your names are familiar to me now, and I look forward to seeing your reactions each week at the blog, in email, or via social media comments or likes or shares. More than sixty-six thousand people joined our conversations in 2019.

In one form or another, many of you have told me two things. My posts have helped you to grow spiritually or to navigate a difficult life passage. You have also told me that I’ve made you think. I can’t adequately express how encouraging this is. Helping you, my readers, to experience the love of Christ and to grow in heart, mind, and soul is why I write.

You can see what my speaking schedule for 2020 looks like by checking out my website. I would love to meet you face-to-face. It was great to do so several times in 2019. The second half of 2020 has some open space, so don’t hesitate to check with my incredible assistant Holly Davis if you would like for me speak at your church or organization.

If you haven’t had a chance to pick up a copy of A Resurrection Shaped Life, I hope you’ll consider checking it out now or maybe using it for a Lenten book study on your own or with friends. I’m working on its sequel now, a book about hope. It’s likely to appear in early 2021, so I’ll share more about that with you as summer turns to fall.

Happy New Year, dear ones! Love to you all. I look forward to growing with you in the coming year.



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