
This week marks the beginning of my sabbatical. My regular readers have come to expect posts each Friday. Until my return in August, I’ll be letting go of that pattern along with the daily routines of being a bishop.

I’ll still be reading, writing, and praying. That’s an essential part of my spiritual practice. But I’m stretching into some new themes and new ideas and looking into publishing short pieces in some additional platforms. In addition to that, I’m writing toward my next book if not precisely writing it. For now, though, I’ll be keeping most of what I write to myself.

This month Joy and I will do some traveling. We’re participating in a pilgrimage to Ireland and digging into Celtic Christian Spirituality. Following that pilgrimage we will visit Mauthausen, the concentration camp that my mother survived.

From time to time I’ll post reflections from my studies and travels. But in keeping with sabbath time, I’ll wait until August to return to a regular pattern of posting.

Connecting with my readers is one of the great joys of my life. I’m genuinely grateful to and for you. Until August…….

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